+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ASRockRack Server Manager History. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Usage - windows run asrrmgnttool_v1.0.0.exe to install program - linux install ipmitool first $sudo apt-get install ipmitool Extract from asrrmgnttool.zip start program $cd asrrmgnttool $sudo ./asrrmgnttool or log debug message that is saved to ${HOME}/.asrrmgnttool/log/log $sudo ./asrrmgnttool /debug ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.10 Revision : 1. [Fix]: Fix the bios settings function, the problem that the lan card cannot be apply under UEFI Image FileName : window: v2.5.10/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.10.zip linux: v2.5.10/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.10.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 21:07:20 Tue, 2022-06-23 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.9 Revision : 1. [Fix]: Fix the set function of bios_settings cli, the problem that the boot options cannot be changed 2. [Fix]: Fix the apply function of bios_settings cli, the problem that the boot options cannot be changed 3. [Modified]: Added display of http status code in the set and apply functions of bios_settings cli Image FileName : window: v2.5.9/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.9.zip linux: v2.5.9/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.9.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:09:20 Tue, 2022-06-14 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.8 Revision : 1. [Fix]: Fix bios settings function, can not change boot options problem Image FileName : window: v2.5.8/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.8.zip linux: v2.5.8/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.8.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:44:20 Thu, 2022-05-26 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.7 Revision : 1. [Fix]: Fixed unable to execute mgmttool from start menu Image FileName : window: v2.5.7/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.7.zip linux: v2.5.7/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.7.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 12:01:20 Mon, 2022-05-23 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.6A Revision : 1. [Modified]: Added option for remote_control function to get Get url entry only Image FileName : window: v2.5.7/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.7.zip linux: v2.5.7/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.7.zip mac: v2.5.7/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.7.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:33:20 Tue, 2022-04-26 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.5 Revision : 1. [Modified] The power status function supports bmc code base 12.3. 2. [Modified] Modified the dual flash prompt string in the bmc_update function. Image FileName : window: v2.5.5/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.5.zip linux: v2.5.5/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.5.zip mac: v2.5.5/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.5.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:30:20 Tue, 2021-10-19 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.4 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix the dual flash error and prompt string in the bmc_update function. 2. [Modified] Fix mgmt version display error (can be adjusted from AppVersion option in config.js). Image FileName : window: v2.5.4/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.4.zip linux: v2.5.4/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.4.zip mac: v2.5.4/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.4.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:36:20 Wed, 2021-10-06 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.3 Revision : 1. [Add] Support dual image(bmc) firmware update in cli and gui. 2. [Modified] Update file (BMCInterface.js) to support BMC LTS13 (AST2600). Image FileName : window: v2.5.3/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.3.zip linux: v2.5.3/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.3.zip mac: v2.5.3/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.3.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:36:20 Mon, 2021-09-13 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.2 Revision : 1. [Add] Added and updated CPLD(BP) FW function. Image FileName : window: v2.5.2/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.2.zip linux: v2.5.2/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.2.zip mac: v2.5.2/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.2.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:36:20 Wed, 2021-08-11 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.1 Revision : 1. [Add] Added remote vmedia function in cli mode. Image FileName : window: v2.5.1/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.1.zip linux: v2.5.1/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.1.zip mac: v2.5.1/mac/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.1.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 14:10:20 Mon, 2021-08-02 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.5.0 Revision : 1. [Add] Added support for operating system macos version of mgmt, based on v2.4.18. Image FileName : window: v2.5.0/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.0.zip linux: v2.5.0/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.5.0.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:30:20 Thu, 2021-05-20 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.18 Revision : 1. [Add] Added the function of save and restore bios settings in cli mode. 2. [Modified] Adjust the layout of the Dashboard page (group item) 3. [Modified] Update the vmcli tool to support the vmedia function of bmc LTS 12.3 Image FileName : window: v2.4.18/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.18.zip linux: v2.4.18/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.18.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:31:20 Tue, 2021-04-20 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.17 Revision : 1. [Add] Added html and java kvm functions in remote_control(cli mode). Image FileName : window: v2.4.17/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.17.zip linux: v2.4.17/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.17.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:47:20 Wed, 2021-03-17 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.16 Revision : 1. [Add] Added fan mode function in GUI mode. Image FileName : window: v2.4.16/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.16.zip linux: v2.4.16/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.16.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:57:20 Wed, 2021-01-27 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.15 Revision : 1. [Add] Added os_settings(get os lan and disk info) cli function. Image FileName : window: v2.4.15/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.15.zip linux: v2.4.15/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.15.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:00:20 Tue, 2021-01-19 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.14 Revision : 1. [Fix] Added tool(local_lan_settings) to solve the problem that bmc fw cannot be updated under ubuntu20 2. [Fix] Fixed network_settings cannot change the Registration method Image FileName : window: v2.4.14/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.14.zip linux: v2.4.14/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.14.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:35:20 Fri, 2021-01-08 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.13 Revision : 1. [Modified] Support system inventory function in redfish1.7 Image FileName : window: v2.4.13/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.13.zip linux: v2.4.13/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.13.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 14:30:20 Tue, 2020-11-17 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : Server Manager Version : v2.4.12 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fixed the problem that the group function cannot be scanned in cli mode. 2. [Add] Add fan_table function about(Open Loop Control Table, Close Loop Control Table, Temperature Sensor and Corresponding Fan Table HomeSettings, FAN Mode), can refer to fantable_sop.doc. Image FileName : window: v2.4.12/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.12.zip linux: v2.4.12/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.12.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:10:20 Tue, 2020-11-09 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.11 Revision : 1. [Add] Added setting iana function in cli mode. Image FileName : window: v2.4.11/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.11.zip linux: v2.4.11/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.11.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:50:20 Tue, 2020-09-01 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.10 Revision : 1. [Add] Added error code function in bmc_update. Image FileName : window: v2.4.10/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.10.zip linux: v2.4.10/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.10.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:47:20 Thu, 2020-08-20 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.9 Revision : 1. [Add] Added psu_update function in cli mode. Image FileName : window: v2.4.9/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.9.zip linux: v2.4.9/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.9.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:07:20 Mon, 2020-08-17 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.8 Revision : 1. [Add] Added preserve(sdr, fru, sel...) function in bmc_update. 2. [Modified] Adjust the display of "preserve function" in package.json (fru, ssh, ext log, automation engine, red) 3. [Fix] Fix the parameter "--help" (show unknown) Image FileName : window: v2.4.8/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.8.zip linux: v2.4.8/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.8.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:05:20 Mon, 2020-07-13 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.7 Revision : 1. [Add] Support local bmc update in linux Image FileName : window: v2.4.7/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.7.zip linux: v2.4.7/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.7.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 23:50:20 Fri, 2020-06-12 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.6 Revision : 1. [Add] Add network settings function in gui and cli Image FileName : window: v2.4.6/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.6.zip linux: v2.4.6/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.6.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 21:20:20 Thu, 2020-05-28 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.5 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix mgmt cli mode ip range parameter (-b,-e) error (not work) 2. [Fix] Fix the reserved function of bmc update 3. [Fix] Fix the problem of image and text displacement caused by low resolution(800 * 600) Image FileName : window: v2.4.5/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.5.zip linux: v2.4.5/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.5.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 14:40:20 Tue, 2020-05-12 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.4 Revision : 1. [Fix] vmedia cli mode is not work(__dirname) Image FileName : window: v2.4.4/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.4.zip linux: v2.4.4/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.4.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:50:20 Tue, 2020-04-28 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.3 Revision : 1. [New] Update Chinese simplified language 2. [New] Adjust the way of creating groups (multiple ranges can be added) 3. [Fix] An error will be displayed when the GUI is opened (because the new and old format of group.json is different) Image FileName : window: v2.4.3/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.3.zip linux: v2.4.3/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.3.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:30:20 Fri, 2020-04-10 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.2 Revision : 1. [New] Added preserve config function for bmc_update and bios_update. Image FileName : window: v2.4.2/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.2.zip linux: v2.4.2/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.2.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:30:20 Mon, 2020-02-24 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.4.1 Revision : 1. [Fix] Bmc update added check model name function. Image FileName : window: v2.4.1/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.1.zip linux: v2.4.1/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.4.1.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 12:30:20 Fri, 2020-01-17 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.13 Revision : 1. [Modified] Model name is obtained using fru. Image FileName : window: v2.3.13/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.13.zip linux: v2.3.13/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.13.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 11:10:20 Fri, 2019-12-20 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.12 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix bios_settings apply function error . Image FileName : window: v2.3.12/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.12.zip linux: v2.3.12/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.12.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 11:10:20 Mon, 2019-11-18 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.11 Revision : 1. [New] bios_setting function supports redfish1.5. 2. [Modified] Adjust the BMC name(from bmc name to name) Image FileName : window: v2.3.10/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.11.zip linux: v2.3.10/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.11.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:20:20 Wed, 2019-11-13 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.10 Revision : 1. [New] Add the ability to name the BMC. Image FileName : window: v2.3.10/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.10.zip linux: v2.3.10/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.10.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:15:20 Mon, 2019-11-04 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.9 Revision : 1. [New] Add the next_boot function to cli and gui. Image FileName : window: v2.3.9/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.9.zip linux: v2.3.9/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.9.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:15:20 Tue, 2019-09-24 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.8 Revision : 1. [Modified] Update mgmt Russian language pack. Image FileName : window: v2.3.8/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.8.zip linux: v2.3.8/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.8.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:10:22 Tue, 2019-08-06 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.7 Revision : 1. [Fix] Modify the apply function of cli mode (only transfer the attributes of reference BMC's future.json and current.json difference). 2. [New] Increase sorting function (based on ip and model name) Image FileName : window: v2.3.7/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.7.zip linux: v2.3.7/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.7.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:20:22 Fri, 2019-08-02 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.6 Revision : 1. [New] Add Ru language pack. 2. [Fix] vue string warring. 3. [Fix] Fix some pages cannot be translated instantly(ipmi page). Image FileName : window: v2.3.6/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.6.zip linux: v2.3.6/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.6.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 20:50:22 Tue, 2019-07-23 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.5 Revision : 1. [Modified] Set it to the mgmt gui default language based on browser language. 2. [Modified] Update the bios_setting apply function of cli mode to the same mechanism as gui. Image FileName : window: v2.3.5/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.5.zip linux: v2.3.5/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.5.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:50:22 Fri, 2019-07-19 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.4 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix bios_settings apply function error in GUI. Image FileName : window: v2.3.4/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.4.zip linux: v2.3.4/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.4.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:15:22 Fri, 2019-07-12 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.3 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix bios_settings open reference BMC error in GUI. Image FileName : window: v2.3.3/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.3.zip linux: v2.3.3/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.3.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 19:40:22 Wed, 2019-07-10 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.2 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix motherboard module name is not displayed correctly. Image FileName : window: v2.3.2/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.2.zip linux: v2.3.2/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.2.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 11:50:22 Tue, 2019-07-09 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.3.1 Revision : 1. [Modified] Remove(perMaxNum=10) the maximum number of bmc/bios updates at a time. Image FileName : window: v2.3.1/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.1.zip linux: v2.3.1/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.3.1.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:20:22 Fri, 2019-07-05 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.20 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix vmedia cli error(rl not defined). 2. [Fix] Fix login failed in BMC(EP2C622D16NM_L1.26.fd). 3. [New] Added download smbios(binary file)option in cli function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.20/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.2.20.zip linux: v2.2.20/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.2.20.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:20:22 Wed, 2019-06-26 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.19 Revision : 1. [Modified] Change the tool name to asrrmgmttool. 2. [Modified] Select the icc option in the config file to provide the profile function. 3. [New] Add fru cli function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.19/win/asrrmgmttool_v2.2.19.zip linux: v2.2.19/linux/asrrmgmttool_v2.2.19.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:50:33 Thu, 2019-06-06 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.18 Revision : 1. [New] Add Profile cli function. 2. [New] Add Profile gui function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.18/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.18.zip linux: v2.2.18/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.18.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 10:40:33 Fri, 2019-05-31 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.17 Revision : 1. [New] Add Chinese language pack. 2. [Modified] Change the output format of the systeminventoryinfo function to JSON. Image FileName : window: v2.2.17/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.17.zip linux: v2.2.17/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.17.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 15:022:33 Tue, 2019-05-21 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.16 Revision : 1. [Modified] Add deploy process that pack exe to zip in windows. Image FileName : window: v2.2.16/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.16.zip linux: v2.2.16/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.16.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 12:05:33 Wed, 2019-05-15 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.15 Revision : 1. [Fix] fix request timeout issue to fix gui's bios_update. Image FileName : window: v2.2.15/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.15.exe linux: v2.2.15/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.15.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:55:33 Tue, 2019-05-14 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.14 Revision : 1. [Fix] fix login failed issue when system is power off. Image FileName : window: v2.2.14/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.14.exe linux: v2.2.14/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.14.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:47:33 Fri, 2019-05-10 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.14 Revision : 1. [New] Add systeminventoryinfo command line function. 2. [Fix] fix group field (username and password) show error. Image FileName : window: v2.2.14/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.14.exe linux: v2.2.14/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.14.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:08:33 Tue, 2019-05-07 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.13 Revision : 1. [Improve] Modify help messages. 2. [Fix] CentOS error to start bmc/bios update function. (can't get console cursor) Image FileName : window: v2.2.13/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.13.exe linux: v2.2.13/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.13.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 22:41:22 Tue, 2019-04-30 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.12 Revision : 1. [Fix] virtual media socket port for vmcli. Image FileName : window: v2.2.12/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.12.exe linux: v2.2.12/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.12.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 09:50:43 Tue, 2019-04-30 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.11 Revision : 1. [New] Add SEL command line function. 2. [Improve] Add command line that can use extra ip to add group. 3. [Improve] Add command line logout function for bios update, bmc update and user account control. Image FileName : window: v2.2.11/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.11.exe linux: v2.2.11/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.11.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 17:17:33 Fri, 2019-04-26 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.10 Revision : 1. [Fix] Windows vmcli connect to main process issue, update wget.exe. 2. [Fix] Display "Press Ctrl-C to exit..." for Windows virtual media function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.10/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.10.exe linux: v2.2.10/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.10.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 13:44:44 Tue, 2019-04-23 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.9 Revision : 1. [Improve] Update vmcli (from BMC RR11.8), remove 32bit support. 2. [Fix] group management Add and Delete function. 3. [Improve] Add set/received bytes status on virtual media function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.9/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.9.exe linux: v2.2.9/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.9.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 12:29:14 Mon, 2019-04-22 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.8 Revision : 1. [Fix] Add check value function for set function of bios_settings. 2. [Improve] Add ip initial value settings function for corresponding page. 3. [Improve] Update English language pack. 4. [Improve] Add Multinational translation function. 5. [Improve] Add extra ip to add group Image FileName : window: v2.2.8/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.8.exe linux: v2.2.8/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.8.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 16:20:50 Thu, 04-18-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.7 Revision : 1. [Fix] Add logout server routine. 2. [Fix] Logout server for power control function. Image FileName : window: v2.2.7/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.7.exe linux: v2.2.7/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.7.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 11:34:36 Mon, 04-08-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.6 Revision : 1. [Improve] use web api to do power control. Image FileName : window: v2.2.6/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.6.exe linux: v2.2.6/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.6.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 20:40:50 Mon, 04-01-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.5 Revision : 1. [Fix] fix bios_settings getting wrong url issue. Image FileName : window: v2.2.5/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.5.exe linux: v2.2.5/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.5.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 11:40:35 Mon, 03-25-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.4 Revision : 1. [Fix] fix SMBIOS getting wrong number of structure issue. Image FileName : window: v2.2.4/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.4.exe linux: v2.2.4/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.4.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 08:59:14 Mon, 03-25-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.3 Revision : 1. [Improve] Update ipmi access routine. 2. [Improve] Update smbios gui function to ipmi routine. 3. [New] Add smbios command line function. 4. [Improve] Remove ipmiutil and ipmitool. 5. [Fix] fix dmi decode smbios type7 'location' issue. Image FileName : window: v2.2.3/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.3.exe linux: v2.2.3/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.3.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 05:37:28 Mon, 03-25-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.2 Revision : 1. [Improve] Modofy deploy process to auto gen config.iss for windows packing program. 2. [Improve] According to config.js to rename target app file. 3. [Fix] Remove ipmi test code. Image FileName : window: v2.2.2/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.2.exe linux: v2.2.2/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.2.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 11:00:38 Mon, 03-11-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.1 Revision : 1. [Improve] Build-in libXss.so.1 so that we don't need to install libXScrnSaver. 2. [Improve] Prepare ipmi command in java to get rid of asrripmi tool. Image FileName : window: v2.2.1/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.1.exe linux: v2.2.1/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.1.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 20:59:37 Sun, 03-10-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.2.0 Revision : 1. [Improve] Merge bios settings code, modify redfish url. Image FileName : window: v2.2.0/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.0.exe linux: v2.2.0/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.2.0.zip Engineer Name : Eric Lee Release Date : 2019-02-27 17:00:04 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.1.3 Revision : 1. [Fix] Discover range is incorrect. 2. [Improve] virtual media function, clean up temp folder. 3. [Improve] update vmcli windows version, ready for status report. 4. [Improve] add button icon on login page. Image FileName : window: v2.1.3/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.3.exe linux: v2.1.3/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.3.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 2019-02-28 00:23:04 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.1.2 Revision : 1. [Fix] Group extra/exclude ip list invalidate code. 2. [Improve] add 'ip' and 'ip-validator' packages. 3. [Improve] Rename bios_flash/bmc_flash to bios_update/bmc_update, align with GUI naming. 4. [Improve] Modify language collection routine, setup all lauguages according to folder name. 5. [Improve] Add menu and login language file (English only). 6. [Improve] Modify login page to add extra/exclude settings. 7. [Improve] Modify login page to multi-language support. 8. [Improve] Use js-alert package to display alert message. 9. [Improve] Update asrripmi static link version. 10. [Improve] Add license field in package.json Image FileName : window: v2.1.2/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.2.exe linux: v2.1.2/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.2.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 17:23:58 Tue, 02-26-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.1.1 Revision : 1. [Improve] Re-write discover code, remove ipmiuitl (idiscover) dependency. 2. [Improve] Maximize window when GUI mode start. Image FileName : window: v2.1.1/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.1.exe linux: v2.1.1/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.1.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 18:26:07 Sat, 02-23-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.1.0 Revision : 1. [Fix] Fix user argument conflicts. 2. [Fix] Fix AsrrSrvMgmt.iss version string. 3. [Improve] Modify bios_settings argument assigment. Image FileName : window: v2.1.0/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.0.exe linux: v2.1.0/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.1.0.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 2019-02-15 16:08:06 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.15 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [New] Add vmedia cli function. 2. [New] Modify vmcli to display received/sent bytes. (linux version) 3. [Improve] iplist routine. 4. [Improve] Modify argument representative. 5. [Improve] Move user manual to doc folder. Image FileName : window: v2.0.15/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.15.exe linux: v2.0.15/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.15.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 14:25:10 Thu, 02-14-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.13 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [New] cli power control. 2. [New] cli user control (user list function). 3. [Improve] auto load language message from renderer/lang folder. 4. [Modified] Modify logger, remove winston package. 5. [Improve] Add log to file cli parameter. 6. [Improve] Provide common code for ip address list (iplist.js) and status output (output.js). 7. [Improve] Add AppLang config control for multi language. 8. [Modified] Simplify bios/bmc flash status display code with output.js. Image FileName : window: v2.0.13/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.13.exe linux: v2.0.13/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.13.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 21:04:35 Sun, 02-10-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.12 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Modified] cli mode bios flash. 2. [Modified] update discover to 1.14, delay 500us after sending identify packet. 3. [Modified] update VMCLI to support multi host concurrently. 4. [Modified] Add winston logger. 5. [Modified] Update group manager for both cli and gui. 6. [Modified] fix cli console display for bios/bmc flash. 7. [Modified] rearrange tools path. 8. [Modified] Add cursor-position module for bmc/bios flash. NOTE: 1. Build module src/assist/cursor-position: 1. Need python 2.x 2. 'npm install -g node-gyp' 3. 'node-gyp build' Image FileName : window: v2.0.12/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.12.exe linux: v2.0.12/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.12.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 12:51:37 Thu, 01-31-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.11 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Modified] Change program name to asrrmgnttool. 2. [Modified] Support cli: group, bmc_flash. 3. [Modified] Add config.js to control project name. 4. [Modified] Move api, store directory for both main and renderer. 5. [Modified] Update ipmiutil for scanning extra ip address. Image FileName : window: v2.0.01/win/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.11.exe linux: v2.0.10/linux/asrrmgnttool_v2.0.11.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 13:52:57 Wed, 01-23-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.10 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Fixed] Set logo string to back javascript code. Image FileName : window: v2.0.01/win/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.10.exe linux: v2.0.10/linux/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.10.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 09:11:30 Tue, 01-08-2019 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.9 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Modified] Add filter for multi-language support. 2. [Modified] Set logo string in package.json. Image FileName : window: v2.0.9/win/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.9.exe linux: v2.0.9/linux/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.9.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 19:07:15 Wed, 12-26-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.8 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Modified] Support multi-language interface. 2. [Modified] Add deploy in package.json, remove build:win32, use build:dir for both Windows and Linux. 3. [Modified] Rename Windows version to asrr_srv_mgmt, align with Linux version. 4. [Modified] Simplify AsrrSrvMgmt.iss, remove unused code segment. Image FileName : window: v2.0.8/win/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.8.exe linux: v2.0.8/linux/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.8.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 20:41:06 Tue, 12-25-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.7 (Not for release) Revision : 1. [Modified] Update build result location 2. [Modified] Prepare multi-language support environment 3. [Modified] Modify virtual media function for multi-server support 4. [Modified] Update dependencies' version in package.json Image FileName : window: v2.0.7/win/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.7.exe linux: v2.0.7/linux/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.7.zip Engineer Name : Jeff Chan Release Date : 22:10:38 Thu, 12-20-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.6 Revision : 1. [New] Support SMTP settings 2. [Modified] Add e-mail option for lan destination of PEF Image FileName : window: v2.0.6/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.6).exe linux: v2.0.6/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.6.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 15:55 Fri, 08-31-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.5 Revision : 1. [Fix] SMBIOS would fail if there was unknown type 2. [Improve] Improve smbios module to identify type #40, #41 and #42 3. [Improve] To select FRU device to display automatically Image FileName : window: v2.0.5/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.5).exe linux: v2.0.5/asrr_srv_mgmt_v2.0.5.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 17:44 Thu, 08-16-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.4 Revision : 1. [Modified] Change the discover timeout to 5s 2. [Modified] Use ipmitool for power control instead of web api 3. [Fix] Sometimes the program hung up after the user performed power action root cause: Both get and set power action use the same complete condition at the same time solution: Using different semaphores 4. [Improve] Improve the procedure for checking the progress during BIOS update Image FileName : window: v2.0.4/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.4).exe linux: v2.0.4/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 14:54 Thu, 08-09-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.3 Revision : 1. [Modified] Refresh icon position on dashboard page 2. [Modified] Header string on users management page 3. [Modified] UTC display position of event log page 4. [Improve] Auto login when the user click "download java kvm" in remote control page 5. [Improve] Enable UID control on dashboard page 6. [Modified] Use asrr ipmitool in linux 7. [Modified] Modify http request timeout to adaptive value Image FileName : window: v2.0.3/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.3).exe linux: v2.0.3/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 15:31 Tue, 08-07-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.2 Revision : 1. [New] Add UID information on dashboard page 2. [Modified] Modify http request timeout to 6s 3. [Modified] Put the get power status request into background in power control page 4. [Modified] Change "Power up" to "Power on" in power control page 5. [Modified] Enable all columns to be sortable of event log page 6. [Improve] Improve user page experience Image FileName : window: v2.0.2/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.2).exe linux: v2.0.2/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 16:26 Mon, 07-30-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.1 Revision : 1. [New] Add User settings page 2. [New] Add BMC control function, it support "BMC loaddefault" and "BMC cold reset" now 3. [Modified] Modify program icon 4. [Modified] Modify some "Not support" strings 5. [Modified] Install vc 2010 redistributable package for asrr ipmiutil in windows during installing the program. 6. [Modified] Modify manufacturer string from "ASRock" to "ASRockRack" in setup. 7. [Modified] README.md 8. [Modified] Change "Servers management" to "Login" 9. [Improve] Enable the items selectable when the user want to "download all logs" or "delete all logs" 10. [Improve] UI strings and UX 11. [fix] Remove "\n" of info string in the FRU page Image FileName : window: v2.0.1/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.1).exe linux: v2.0.1/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 15:29 Thu, 07-26-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v2.0.0 Revision : 1. [New] Add program version information 2. [New] Add FRU information 3. [New] Add PEF 4. [New] Add java kvm function 5. [Fix] Not response in power control page 6. [Fix] Item display problem in event log page 7. [Fix] Update function does not work in BIOS setting page Image FileName : window: v2.0.0/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v2.0.0).exe linux: v2.0.0/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 17:47 Fri, 07-06-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; Project Name : ASRockRack Server Manager Version : v1.0.0 Revision : 1. Support functions below: (1) Server dicovery (2) Group management (3) Basic board information (4) SEL: SEL information (5) Power: power control for multiple servers (6) BMC/BIOS update for multiple servers (7) KVM (8) SMBIOS decode (9) System Inventory (10) BIOS Settings for multiple servers (11) Power control for multiple servers (12) Media redirection Image FileName : window: v1.0.0/AsrSrvMgmtSetup(v1.0).exe linux: v1.0.0/asrr_srv_mgmt.zip Engineer Name : Kai-Chung Cheng Release Date : 19:41 Fri, 05-25-2018 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;