Usage: Extract the zip file to SoftwarePack folder. Ex: if SoftwarePack directory is at C:\SP1301, extract mdu_w.x.y.z to C:\SP1301 Command instruction: restore_cfg [-f ] [-i ] [-h] Options: -g, --get -f, --filename (optional) file to update configuration from. -i, --id -h, --help Examples: restore_cfg Update HBA configuration of current adapter from 9123.txt. restore_cfg -g 0 Get Bios version and HBA Info for Adapter 0. flash -a -m -p [-h] Options: -a, --action Update or backup the flash image. Erase flash configuration page. -m, --model Any folder you would like magni to flash. From current folder Eg. firmware\b1\passide or firmware\b1\passahci. Or full folder path Eg. C:\SP1301\firmware\B1\passide. -h, --help Examples: flash -a update -m passide Update HBA configuration of current adapter from 9123.txt. phytest -i [-p ] [-r ][-n ][-h] Options: -i, --id -p, --port -r, --rate (can be '0', '1', '2'). -n, --pattern pattern descriptions as below ltdp means Non-compliant Low Transition Density Pattern. htdp means Non-compliant High Transition Density Pattern. lfscp means Non-compliant Low Frequency Spectral Content Pattern. ssop means Non-compliant Switching Output Pattern. lftp means Low-Frequency Test Pattern. mftp means Mid-Frequency Test Pattern. hftp means High-Frequency Test Pattern. lbp means Lone-Bit Pattern. jitp means Jitter and PRBS Pattern. default is jitp -a,--all Test all adapters, all ports and all rates. -l, --loopback Loopback test. -t, --time default is infinite loop, unit: second -h, --help Examples: phytest -a Test all phy(s) of all adapter(s) and produce all rate Eye Diagram. phytest -i 0 Test adapter 0 all phy(s) and produce all rate Eye Diagram. phytest -i 0 -p 0 -r 0 Test adapter 0 phy 0 and produce 1.5Gb/s Eye Diagram. phytest -i 0 -p 0 -r 1 -t 10 Test adapter 0 phy 0 and produce 3Gb/s Eye Diagram for 10 seconds. phytest -i 0 -p 0 -r 0,2\ Test adapter 0 phy 0 and produce 1.5Gb/s and 6Gb/s Eye Diagram. phytest -i 0 -p 1 Test adapter 0 phy 1 and produce 1.5Gb/s, 3Gb/s and 6Gb/s Eye Diagram. phytest -i 0 -r 2 Test adapter 0 all phy to produce 6Gb/s Eye Diagram. config -i [-o ][-a ][-r][-v][-h] Options: -i, --id -o, --object include rate,AMP,amp_half configure. -a, --actionget or set configure. Default:get -r, --phyrate For PHY configure only. (DEFAULT:1, can be '0', '1', '2'). -v, --valueFor set action only. Value to set. if object is phy, the value should be 6 digits 0 or 1 value. 1st digit is AMP half enable(Default:1, can be '0', '1') 2nd~6th digit are AMP[4:0], refer to AMP table of datasheet -h, --help Examples:\ config -o phy -a get -p 1 get port 1 phy tuning parameters of current adapter.