ELOSETUP [/PreCal] [/ReBoot] [/Irpmoff] [/NoReset] [ [/L] [] ] [/S] [ [/U] | [ [/Iu] [ [/Is] [/P:,...] [/A] ] ] ] [/C [] ] [/H | /?] /PreCal Enable writing calibration data to NVRAM /Reboot Always Reboot after installing driver on serial port /Irpmoff Disable IR power management /NoReset Don't reset the calibration using M command /L Language to use for the package, where must be ENG, FRE, etc. Available languages are: ENG: English GER: German FRE: French ITA: Italian SPA: Spanish JAP: Japanese MDN: Simplified Chinese CHI: Traditional Chinese POR: Portuguese Default is English. /S Silent Install /U Uninstall /Iu Install USB drivers /Is Install Serial drivers /P Install for specified Serial Com Ports Port number(s) of Elo Serial devices e.g: ELOSETUP /Is /P:1,2 where 1 is COM1 and 2 is COM2 /A Perform auto-detection of serial com ports /E Run EloVa Video Alignment after installation /C Run either EloCust.exe or optional after installation /H or /? Display list of options