Appendix C
Enable/Disable Sample Code

// EnableDisable.cpp : Defines the entry point for the sample EnableDisable

// touch application.


// Copyright(c) 2004  Elo TouchSystems, Inc., all rights reserved.


// Sample application to Enable/Disable touch using Elo SDK.

// Include EloPubIf.lib in the linker dependencies.

// Files EloPubIf.lib, EloInterface.h, EloErrorCodes.h can be found in

// \Program Files\EloTouchSystems folder.

// This program can be compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 or 6.0


// Usage: EnableDisableSample -[e/d] -n:<mon num>[,<mon num>...]

//                                  -e                                                         : Enable touch

//                                  -d                                                         : Disable Touch

//                                  -n:<mon num>[,<mon num>...]             : Monitors to enable or disable

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <tchar.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "EloInterface.h"

#include "EloErrorCodes.h"


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Globals

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


BOOL bEnable = TRUE;

int dwMonParamCnt=0;



void ProcessCmdLine( int argc, char** argv) ;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// main entry point

int _tmain(int argc, char** argv)


            DWORD dwEnumMon[MAX_SUPPORTED_SCR] ;

            int iScrCnt, iRet ;


            if( argc < 3 )


                        printf( "Usage: EloEnableDisableSample -[e/d] \

                                                -[n:<mon num>,[,<mon num>...]]\n\n \

                                                -e \t\t\t\t: Enable touch\n \

                                                -d \t\t\t\t: Disable Touch\n \

                                                -n:<mon num>[,<mon num>...] \

                                                \t: Monitors to enable or disable \n" ) ;

                        return EloFailure ;



            ZeroMemory( dwEnumMon, MAX_SUPPORTED_SCR ) ;

            ZeroMemory( dwMonParam, MAX_SUPPORTED_SCR ) ;


            // Get the list of all Elo Serial & USB screen and monitor association

            iRet = EloGetScreenInfo(dwEnumMon,iScrCnt) ;

            if(iRet != EloSuccess )


                        printf( "Error Code = %d \n", iRet ) ;

                        return EloFailure;





                        printf( "No Elo touchscreens found\n" ) ;

                        return EloFailure;



            // Process Commandline

            ProcessCmdLine( argc, argv ) ;


            // For all screens of matching monitor number enable / disable touch

            for( int i=0; i<dwMonParamCnt; i++ )


                        // where j is the screen number associated with the monitor number

                        for( int j=0; j<iScrCnt; j++ )                            


                                    if( dwMonParam[i] == dwEnumMon[j] )


                                                // Enables / Disables touch depending on the bFlag

                                                // where j is the screen number

                                                if( (iRet = EloSetTouchReportingState( bEnable , j )) == EloSuccess )

                                                            printf( "EloSetTouchReportingState Returned success\n" );


                                                            printf( "EloSetTouchReportingState Returned failed. Error \ Code=%d\n", iRet );





    return EloSuccess;



// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Processes command line options

void ProcessCmdLine( int argc, char** argv)


            char *lpArg, *lpArg2 ;

            char argstr[256]="";

            LPTSTR lpCmdLine = argstr ;

            strcpy( argstr,"" ) ;

            for( int i=0; i<argc ; i++ )


                        strcat( argstr," " ) ;

                        strcat( argstr, argv[i] ) ;



            lpArg = strstr(lpCmdLine,"-") ;


            while (lpArg != NULL)


                        switch (lpArg[1])


                                    case 'e':

                                                // Enables / Disables touch depending on the Flag

                                                // TRUE to enable , FALSE to disable

                                                bEnable = TRUE;


                                    case 'd':

                                                // Enables / Disables touch depending on the Flag

                                                // TRUE to enable , FALSE to disable

                                                bEnable = FALSE;


                                    case 'n':

                                                // monitor number

                                                if (lpArg[2] == ':')

                                                            lpArg++ ;

                                                lpArg2 = strstr(lpArg+1,"-") ;

                                                if (lpArg2 != NULL)

                                                            lpArg2-- ;


                                                dwMonParam[dwMonParamCnt] = atoi(lpArg+2) ;

                                                if (dwMonParam[dwMonParamCnt] > 0)

                                                            dwMonParamCnt++ ;

                                                lpArg = strstr(lpArg+1,",") ;


                                                while(lpArg != 0)


                                                            if(lpArg2 && (lpArg >= lpArg2)) break ;

                                                            dwMonParam[dwMonParamCnt] = atoi(lpArg+1) ;

                                                            if (dwMonParam[dwMonParamCnt] > 0)

                                                                        dwMonParamCnt++ ;

                                                            lpArg = strstr(lpArg+1,",") ;


                                                lpArg = lpArg2 ;

                                                break ;


                                    printf( "Usage: EloEnableDisableSample -[e/d] \

                                                -[n:<mon num>,[,<mon num>...]]\n\n \

                                                -e \t\t\t\t: Enable touch\n \

                                                -d \t\t\t\t: Disable Touch\n \

                                                -n:<mon num>[,<mon num>...] \

                                                \t: Monitors to enable or disable \n" ) ;


                                    break ;



                        if (lpArg != 0)

                                    lpArg = strstr(lpArg+1,"-") ;




// -------------------------------------------EOF-------------------------------


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