
·         The Mode tab selects touchscreen operating mode and configures the appearance and function ability of the desktop. All selections made in the Mode tab must be activated by clicking the "Apply" button at the bottom of the dialog.

·         Mouse Button Emulation Mode

This mode is selected by clicking the appropriate radio button.

Click on Touch

o        Click on touch sends immediately upon touch a mouse down/up message at the point of touch on the touchscreen. The user's finger must be removed from the touchscreen before a new touch at any location will be recognized. The cursor or selected objects CANNOT be "dragged" on the screen in this mode.

Click on Release

o        Click on release sends at the time of release (untouch) a mouse down/up message at the point that the screen was last touched. Dragging across objects on the screen will not highlight or select them unless untouch occurs when the touch is over the object

Mouse Emulation (Drag and Double-click)

§         Sends a mouse down message at the point of contact.

§         Selects an object if it was at the initial point of contact.

§         Drags a selected object on the screen.

§         Response to dragging is set by the Drag delay slider bar.

§         Sends a mouse up message at the point of untouch.

§         Double-clicks on an object when the screen is touched twice in succession at the same location.

§         The appropriate speed to achieve double-click is identical to the speed of a successful double-click with the mouse.

§         Double-click speed is set from the Mouse Properties control panel (Mouse Properties>Buttons>Double-click speed).

§         Double click area graphically sets the dimensions of the location around each clickable icon or object on the screen which will be recognized by Windows as a double-click. The size of the wire-frame square displayed in the Double click area tab is the actual size of double-click area accepted by Windows. The square is increased or decreased in size by touching the appropriate arrows adjacent to the square. Note that the double-click box size is independent of screen resolution


§         Options allow various features of the desktop related to the touchscreen to be configured. Each of the features selected must be activated by clicking the Apply button at the bottom of the tab.

§         Hide arrow mouse pointer turns off the standard mouse cursor.

§         Left-handed mouse interchanges the standard two-button mouse button assignments.

§         Show tool tray utility activates the Tool Tray utility in the Windows Task Bar. See Tool Tray for a complete description of this feature.


Note: Difference for APR type touch screen:

For APR type touch screen, there are no Video Alignment Mode selection radio buttons. There is the addition of the "Set APR Performance Preference" button that shows the following APR specific options.



                         The Set APR Preference dialog allows selection of touch performance to suit a particular style as described below.

                               Point Of Sale:

·         Main Emphasis on fast key entry touch rate

·         Slows Drags are possible, fast dragging is compromised

·         Touch-and-Hold is disabled by default

                               Best Signature:

·         Drag smoothing reduced to enable fast signature motions (APR induced jaggies are possible but they are mitigated by fast signature strokes, slower dragging causes jagged lines). 

·         Ability to connect drags that stop and restart close to each other.

·         Moderately fast key entry touch rate. 

NOTE: Signature size MUST be more than 15mm average character height. Big is better; tiny scrawl is affected by accuracy spec limit. Also make sure the Mouse Mode is set to "Mouse Emulation" in the Mode tab above.


·         Moderately fast key entry touch rate

·         Smoother dragging possible


·         Reasonable key entry touch rate

·         Good drag capability   

·         Generic drag smoothing for pleasing draw contours and continuity; may obscure small drag excursion features (smooths "jaggies" whether intended or not - APR can produce jaggies due to uncertainty when dragging slowly).

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