
A Properties page will be created for each touchscreen connected and for each serial port where the touch screen driver was installed, even if that serial cable is disconnected. A number will be assigned to each Properties page that is related to the order in which controllers or ports are detected or enumerated. Each Properties page contains information for the particular touchscreen.

Properties 1

Screen information:

Windows Monitor Number is the monitor that corresponds to the "Windows Monitor" from the Windows Display Properties control panel.

Touchscreen Type is the Elo touchscreen used by its marketing name, i.e., AccuTouch for Elo's five-wire resistive touchscreen. 

Installed On indicates USB or lists the Windows COM port that a serial touchscreen is installed on.

Controller Model is the model number of the touch controller in the touch screen. It also displays the  firmware revision of the controller.

Controller Status indicates either "Working properly" or reflects any errors reported from the controller.

Driver Version is the name and version number of the Elo driver attached to this touch screen.


Three additional buttons may appear near the lower part of the Properties tab. These are “Align”, “Identify Monitor”, and “Advanced”. You must perform the Alignment process from the “Mode” tab atleast once in order for these additional buttons to appear in the “Properties” tab. See section on “Mode Tab”.

1.       The “Align” button, marked with this icon,  will launch the video alignment process only for the monitor associated with the current Properties page. Running Alignment from the Properties page avoids the need to align all monitors in a multiple monitor application when only a single monitor alignment is desired.

Differences for APR touch screens:  The Alignment procedure for APR screens uses only one target, not three.


2.       The Identify Monitor button will display the Elo logo on the monitor associated with this Properties page for about one second each time this button is touched. This is usefull for multiple monitor setups.


3.       The Advanced button brigns up Advanced settings dialog box as shown below. This dialog box  contains one or more additional tabs depending on the type of the touch screen.

Touch Tab


The Touch tab appears for all types of touch screen and allows configuration of Right click on hold, and Edge acceleration.

Option section:

1.      Disable Touch stops touch information from reaching Windows for this touchscreen. This feature may also be activated from the Tool Tray utility. Disabling touch has no effect on the operation of the standard mouse.

2.      Show right mouse button tool launches this feature for this monitor. See Right Mouse Button for a complete description of this feature.

Edge Acceleration Tool activates cursor enhancement near the edges of the Touch screen by pushing the cursor closer to the edge that the actual touch location. This allows, for example, easier activation of the Windows close box in the upper right corner, or activation of icons on the Windows tool trey. Apply to All Screen will activate the feature on all Touch screens. The Customize button launches a utility for adjusting the border and strength of the edge acceleration. See Edge Acceleration Tool for a complete description of this feature.

Beam Tab

This tab only appears for Carroll Touch IR screens. It allows for continuously monitoring of the health of the IR beams and reports any problems.




1.      Enable blocked beam monitoring. Enables or disables
beam health monitoring.

2.      Log failure message to file. Check this box to
write any future beam failure messages to a file named:
"C:\Program Files\EloTouchSystems\diags.log"

3.      Time in seconds before triggering message. Number of seconds before displaying or logging an error message after a beam failure is detected. This eliminates false alarms, for example, if a user places their hand on the screen for an amount time.

4.      Failed beam count before reporting failure. Enter the minimum number of failed beams before a failure message is generated.

  1. Duration time for failed beam message. Enter the number of seconds that the failure message will be displayed on the screen. (Duration of the message). The message will repeat again if problem is not corrected.

Advanced Sound Tab


This tab only appears for those Carroll Touch screens that have a separate build in beeper. This feature can be used to provide audio feedback of touches in cases where the screen is placed at some distance from the host computer. Use this tab to configure the sound characteristics of the beeper similar to the "Sound" tab on the mail.

1.      Beep monitor speaker on touch. Enables/disables the internal beeper.

2.      Tone- Adjusts the tone of the touch beep.

3.      Duration- Sets the duration of the touch beep.

4.      Touch here to test beep sound area. Tests the current settings without changing focus away from the control panel. Click the Apply button in order for any changes to take effect.

Advanced Controller Tab

This tab only appears for Capacitive Touch screens (5020)


·  Frequency Threshold. The frequency adjustment sets the touch screen driving frequency of the controller. Adjustment of this parameter may be needed when some of the external similar frequencies to the current drive frequency are being used nearby.

·  Sensitivity. The sensitivity adjusts how difficult or easy it is to activate the touch screen; the lower the value is the more sensitive the sensor/controller will be. The allowable range is 10,000 to 65535 and the default is 32,768. The software displays the current sensitivity setting.

Right Click on Hold

Right Click on Hold is a new feature added in version 4.20. This feature allows new and efficient way of creating right clicks on the touch screen without needing to run the Right Mouse Button Tool. If the user touches the screen and continues to touch, a right click is generated on the screen, if the users remains within the Right click area and after the Right click delay time-out has occured. The right click delay allows the users to perform other touchscreen operations normally.When the user touches the screen and holds his finger down, an animated clock is painted at the location, the animated clock continues to tick and generates a right click at the location after it completes.

1.       Enable right click on hold: If checked, it enables this feature for this screen, otherwise, it is disabled.

2.       Apply to all touchscreens: If checked, the current values are set to all touchscreens when "Apply" or "Ok" button is clicked.

3.       Right click delay: Defines the right click delay value in milliseconds. The right click delay allows the users to perform other touchscreen operations normally.

4.       Right Click Area: Touching within this area generates a right click. This area allows the user the flexibility to touch within a larger area.

NOTE: Right click on hold feature is enabled only in "Mouse emulation" touch mode. When Right click on hold feature is turned on, Drag Delay value is set to a minimum of 25 milliseconds.

Properties 2 Tab

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