TeraCopy Change Log Version 3.26 - Added: option to execute PowerShell scripts on a job completion. - Added: a sample PowerShell script for Pushover. - Added: start verify process at any time from the context menu. - Added: load hash files in UTF8 format by default. - Added: show filenames of renamed files in the file list. - Fixed: minor scrolling issues in the file list. Version 3.21 - Fixed: Deleting source files on canceling move operation with enabled verification. Version 3.2 - Favorite folders editing. - Option to run a custom .cmd file on task completion. - md5sum format for most hashes. - Better icon for "Waiting for other transfers" status. Version 3.12 - Fixed: SQL Engine error. - Fixed: random crash while scrolling files. - Updated: language files. Version 3.1 - Added: multi-language support. - Added: show all options in File Replace dialog. - Fixed: 'Keep both' now applies to one file only. - Added: 'Close panels' command. - Fixed: crash while scrolling the log. Version 3.0.8 - "Clear Transfer History" menu item. - Closing application while copying. - Fixed: Drag and Drop from 7-Zip File Manager caused Unable to Access error. - Fixed: Drag and Drop from Filezilla caused Unable to Access error. - Fixed: TeraCopy does not handle command line as expected. - Fixed: folder names with dots are handled incorrectly by TeraCopy. - Fixed: copied files have their "Date Modified" set to the current date/time. - Fixed: the active area of "Close" buttons. Version 3.0 - Improved: Destination File Dialog. - Pinnable expanded views. - Fixed: error in overlapped reading. - Fixed: Drag and Drop from 7-Zip File Manager causes Unable to Access error. - Fixed: checksum file saved in the wrong path. - Fixed: when started after install, an error occurs. - Fixed: crash at the end of each copy. - Fixed: no checksum verification when moving files. Version 3.0 RC 2 - Handle copy/paste from a virtual machine. - Fixed "EListError: Duplicates not allowed" error. - Incorrect icons display on 125% scaling level. - Replace mode options in the main panel. - Keep Windows from entering Sleep Mode during transfer. - Show a popup menu with folders structure in Replace Dialog. - Faster Hash Algorithm: xxHash. - Auto-scroll file list during transfer. - Create shadow copy only once. - Fixed: Freeze when moving files. - Menu button added. Version 3.0 RC - Large progress bar. - Faster small files transfer. - Starting waiting tasks in correct order. - Regular deletion of old file lists to save disk space. - Bugfixes. Version 3.0 beta 2 - Faster Logical to physical disk mapping. - Mapped network drives detection. - Notifications fix. - Delete R/O files on replace. - Add entire drive to file list. - Quote comma in csv reports, export folders. - File date discrepancy increased to 2 sec. - Better completed state icon. - Smoother scrolling with touchpad. - Other bugfixes. Version 3.0 beta Engine: - Queue transfers for the same physical drive. - Wait for network or device recovery. - Insufficient space warning. - Save checksums to a file. - Panama, Tiger, RipeMD and Whirlpool hash methods. - Support for CRC32 in the file name. - Better reports (html and csv format). File list: - Show skipped/failed/transferred items only [Pro]. - Remove all transferred files [Pro]. - Keyboard navigation and menu. - Error messages below filenames. UI: - Progress in the taskbar. - Windows 8/10 notifications. - 'Rename all older target files' mode. - Replace mode and hash options. - Timer in the replace dialog. - Lot of bugfixes and UI improvements. Version 3.0 alpha 5 - File list (view only). - Show files with errors only [Pro]. Version 3.0 alpha 4 - File replace dialog. - Clone files (copy/paste in same folder). - Support for Windows 10 and Ultra HD monitors. - Shutdown/Sleep/Hibernate on finish. - Play sound at finish. - Verify only copied files. - Lot of bugs fixed. Version 3.0 alpha 3 - Moving files. - Delete/wipe files [youtu.be/MD7uVEofY0U]. - Create a new folder with selected items using Explorer context menu [youtu.be/qwGwf779D1Q]. - Select hash method for testing files. - Verify against hash in clipboard [youtu.be/geLuL2PE2_I]. - Accept 'license' file from application folder (useful for portable version). - Fixed panels auto close bug. Version 3.0 alpha 2 - Panel UI. - Test files after copy. - Verify checksum files (.md5, .sfv, .sha, .sha256, .sha512). - Test files and create checksum files (currently .md5 only). - Fixed Explorer context menu extension. Version 3.0 alpha - Faster copy. - Create MD5 checksum filelist on request. - Single tabbed interface for multiple file transfer operations. - Copy files using elevated Windows Service and Volume Shadow Copy. - Unlimited number of files, the internal file list stored on disk instead of memory. Version 2.3 Minor bugfixes and UI improvements. Version 2.3 beta 2 Added: Support for Total Commander 8.01 x64. Added: Auto-splitting files on FAT32 filesystems. Added: Additional check for trimming file, useful on D-Link NAS devices. Added: 'Confirm drag and drop' option. Fixed: Removing files from filelist when not enough disk space. Fixed: Skip button now works on error files. Changed: Flashing window instead of tray notification. Version 2.3 beta Added: Moving files within the same drive without launching TeraCopy.exe. Added: '/Report' command line key. Fixed: Problem copying some locked files. Fixed: Unnecessary verification of skipped files. Fixed: Conflict with Google Chrome on Windows XP. Fixed: Dropping files into TC window now possible in Waiting mode. Fixed: Use %UL instead of %L in Total Commander buttons for Unicode support. Added: Resolving linked network folders to real path on Windows XP. Added: Option CopyCreationTime to ini file. Version 2.27 Added: 'Remove other' to remove non-selected files from the list [Pro]. Added: Better handling multiple copy processes. Added: Multiple retries to delete source files and folders after moving. Added: Tray notification when adding files to the existing process. Fixed: Problem with some non-latin filenames. Fixed: Copied files now have a correct creation time. Added: WaitBeforeMinimize option to ini file. Version 2.22 Added: All .exe files and installer now digitally signed. Added: Export filelist to HTML (sortable columns) and CSV files [Pro]. Changed: Graphical buttons instead of pseudo-graphical. Changed: If Shutdown option is selected, batch file PowerOff.cmd will be launched. Fixed: Transfer.log now written in Unicode. Fixed: Renaming multiple files with the same name. Fixed: Waiting for other processes to finish testing after copying. Version 2.2 Fixed: Mounted volumes detection when choosing same/different devices mode. Version 2.2 beta 3 Added: Option 'CardReader' to ini file. Specify a device name to unmount volumes instead of ejecting card reader. Added: Better USB devices ejection. Added: Option 'ForceSameDriveMode' to ini file. Fixed: Crush when testing md5 files. Fixed: Always test target folder and request admin privileges if needed. Version 2.2 beta 2 Added: Language files (can be corrected with Poedit). Added: Ejection of source/target removable drives, mounted volumes detection. Version 2.2 beta Added: Localisation. Added: Prevent system to enter sleep state. Added: Moving files on same drive w/o enumerating files. Added: Option to eject removable drives Added: New browse for folder dialog. Added: Ignore system reparse points. Fixed: Auto-resume all files. Fixed: Windows reported wrong file sizes on Mac drives. Fixed: Moving file with same name as folder. Version 2.12 Fixed: Copy not started automatically. Added: Multi-monitor support. Added: Run additional app on finish (eject disk, etc). Version 2.1 Fixed: Error in CRC check of large files when moving. (#69). Fixed: Error in waiting processes (#124). Version 2.07 Fixed: Copy stops in the middle of operation (#52). Version 2.05 Added: Option to use system write cache (#30). Use for better compatibility with antiviruses and ftp-drives. Fixed: Skipping files in move operation (#39). Fixed: Deleting files without CRC test in move operation (#38). Fixed: Problem with some Unicode names (#44). Version 2.01 Added: Links helper app enhanced. Version 2.0 Added: Few options to the configuration dialog. Fixed: Works better with UAC protected folders now. Fixed: few minor bugs. Version 2.0 nightly build (June 21) Added: Additional check if Admin mode required to write files to the root folder. Added: TeraCopy Links helper app. Version 2.0 nightly build (June 18) Added: "TeraCopy..." entry in the 64-bit Explorer context menu. Version 2.0 nightly build (June 16) Added: CheckFreeSpace option in options.ini file. Added: handling long file paths (>256 characters). Added: ini file settings: MaxPathLimit, NoClose. Version 2.0 nightly build (June 10) Added: Support for Total Commander 7.5b4, Windows 7 Explorer. Added: SetFileValidData function to avoid file fragmentation. Added: /Close switch. Version 2.0 nightly build (May 31) Added: Progress indicator in Windows 7 Taskbar. Added: Auto-hiding waiting TeraCopy windows. Added: Clearing read-only attribute when copying from optical drives. Fixed: Problem with 7-Zip. Fixed: Trim file errors. Version 2.0 nightly build (Feb 12) Added: Favorite target folders [Pro]. Added: Auto-switch to Admin mode for UAC protected folders. Added: Warning about FAT32 4gb file size limit. Fixed: Waiting processes now starts in a correct order. Fixed: Same/different drives detection under Vista. Version 2.0 nightly build (Jan 31) Fixed: Files added to the end of the queue if target folder and operation is the same. Version 2.0 nightly build (Jan 14) Added: Manager that allows you pause/resume/switch to other TeraCopy windows. Version 2.0 nightly build (Dec 28) Changed: Files added to the end of the queue if target folder is the same. Version 2.0 nightly build (Dec 27) Fixed: TeraCopy now keeps folders timestamp when copying. Version 2.0 nightly build (Dec 26) Changed: When moving, source files deleted immediately (after comparing size). Changed: Buffer for small files increased. Fixed: Sizes in TB not displayed correctly. Version 2.0 beta 4a Fixed: TeraCopy64.dll: removed dependency to atl80.dll. Fixed: Error when copying entire drive. Changed: Test result displayed as 'N files match, N errors'. Changed: Rename files by appending _(number). Added: 'WaitBeforeClose=N' option (ini file). Set to 1000 for 1 second. Version 2.0 beta 4 Added: Register copy handler from TeraCopy Preferences window. Added: New Browse for folder dialog with 'Make New Folder' button. Fixed: Problems with duplicating Windows Explorer File menu items. Fixed: Moving files between remote UNC paths now faster. Added: "Run in Admin mode" button. Fixed: Setting as default copy handler under Vista Standard accounts. Version 2.0 beta 3 (Vista x64) Added: Support for Vista x64 (Use TeraCopy as default copy handler). Added: Option to disable TeraCopy while Num Lock is ON. Fixed: Problem with DEP resolved. Version 2.0 beta 3 Fixed: Access violation error when calculating CRC. Fixed: Hanging on same drive copy on single core CPU systems. Changed: Sound is off by default. Added: Progress bar color settings. Added: 'TestAlways' option in the ini file. Added: Switches: /SkipAll /OverwriteOlder /RenameAll /OverwriteAll /NoClose ! Command line changed: TeraCopy.exe Operation [*]Source Target [/SkipAll] [/OverwriteOlder] [/RenameAll] [/OverwriteAll] [/NoClose] Operation: Copy|Move|Delete Source: File,folder *Source: Path to filelist Target: Destination folder Examples: TeraCopy.exe Copy D:\Video.avi C:\My Documents TeraCopy.exe Move *C:\Temp\filelist.cmd C:\My Documents /OverwriteAll /NoClose Important! If you're using Total Commander, please change button parameter from Copy "%L" "%T" to Copy *"%L" "%T". Version 2.0 beta 2 Fixed: High CPU usage. Added: Adding files in the separate thread. Added: Sound related settings in the ini file. Added: Number of retries in the ini file. Version 2.0 beta Changed: Small files are processed much faster. Added: Start new copy in a separate thread. Added: sfv and md5 files support. Added: Entry in the Explorer context menu. Added: Reorder file list. [Pro] Added: Open destination folder in Explorer. [Pro] Added: Show shell menu for any file in the file list. [Pro] Added: Play sound when operation is complete (>10 sec). Added: 'Always on top' option in the TeraCopy system menu. Added: Drag destination folder to the "Copy" or "Move" buttons. Fixed: Free space detection. Fixed: Folder attributes now copied. Fixed: Time left now displayed correctly on 12h systems. Version 1.25 beta Added: Option to run CRC test when file transfer is complete. Added: Option to save report and shutdown system after file transfer. Added: Support for 64 bit systems (beta). Version 1.22 Fixed: Problem with running TeraCopy on some Vista systems. Fixed: Copying files to the root of the drive from Copy To menu. Version 1.2 Added: Unicode support. Added: Timer to auto-close confirmation dialogs (Application Data\TeraCopy\Options.ini). Added: Option to run Unlocker if destination file is used by another process. You can download it at http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker Fixed: Dragging files out of Recycle Bin. Fixed: Keeping file attributes when copying. Version 1.1 Added: Create copy of folder by copy and paste at the same location. Fixed: Copy to My Network Places shortcuts. Fixed: Now files added to the end of file list. Fixed: Problem with 7-zip. TeraCopy isn't handling files in the Temp folder now. Version 1.02 Fixed: Handle file over 4 GB in size. Added: Copy/Move menu: displays current folders in Explorer and Total Commander. Added: Select: all files, with the same extension, in the same folder. (Pro version)